Ability Center
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles & Mobility Solutions
Ability Center, founded by Darrell Heath and just a few staff members in 1994, has expanded to more than 100 employees in 16 locations throughout the western United States including Arizona, California, Oregon, Nevada, and most recently Florida.
Everyone at Ability Center dedicates our time, energies and resources to those who are disabled in an effort to solve mobility problems. We explore ever-expanding technologies and techniques. But disabilities are often complicated and change with time, necessitating future evaluations and study.
Our clients often have ideas of what they want or need before they come to us. We encourage discussion of those concepts. A relationship of understanding is imperative for finding the solutions to the problem a disability can present. We, in turn, explain the flexibilities and limitations of new technologies and equipment. In the final analysis, we seek what works for our clients.
We well understand that disabilities present serious limitations and the ability to adapt to new equipment may be stressful. Older equipment may have become familiar over time and the new will certainly be different. We will do our best within the parameters of adjustments to fit the required equipment to the specific need. As we dedicate ourselves to the solution of the problem, we request patience and adaptive effort.
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